Sunday, March 13, 2016

Update - What Anime Im Watching & What's Happened!


        So yesterday, my team didn't win anything, no recognition, or advance to states, but you know what? It's okay. Because I tried something new, was strong enough to pull through the drama and tears, and it's somewhat fine now. I encourage you guys to also try new clubs or activities available to you because it will give you opportunities to develop new skills you did not have before! 

        In addition, I started watching a new anime recommended by my bestie and its called "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches"! Normally I am not particularly fond of shows that have to do with magic and things but this one is very very funny! I am only on the 11th episode though, but I can't wait to watch more! You should definitely take this anime into consideration. 
        Yamada-kun and the seven witches is about one guys that is a slow(dumb), troublemaker that has the  ability to copy other witches' magic. He doesn't figure this out until he tries to best an honor student and falls on top of her from the staircase, kissing her along the way. When he wakes up in the infirmary, he has switched bodies with her! So, you can get what her power is. Throughout the school year, they discover the other 6 witches and make friends and enemies that will either help or harm them during their adventure.

p.s. Once I complete the series, you shall be expecting a review on Anime Avenue!
Click here to visit! Many info on anime and manga that you ABSOLUTELY MUST check out!


xoxo, Kenna Sweet

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Getting Through it! - Daily Advice

3/8/16 - Today didn't start off great but ended the best! Sis picked me up from club activities after school and I said 'Hello!' to a salted caramel frappucino (what I ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS get) and one-stop-to-shop.

Daily Advice
A tip to teenagers: If you KNOW or have a thought that someone isn't being the best person or is not your friend, don't waste your time on them! They'll only hold you back from your existent potential and try using you as a stepping stool to fame or popularity (most likely) or for another ulterior motive. They may also be afraid of your path to success because they have no idea what THEY'RE doing. YOU have a future, it will get erased if you continue to pay attention to brats like the people I'm describing.

3/9/16 - More club meetings after school and getting a smidgen better, but we still need ALOT of work before the competition on this upcoming Saturday! Which speaking of any plans? Hah, no. Not this weekend at least but going to party on Friday! Speaking of parties, today was up to like 76 degrees Fahrenheit and man I loved it! Can you guess what my fav season is?

In addition, I'm almost complete with the book Matched, and OMG it's so lovely, I totally recommend it for everyone!! And yes I'm a bookworm but that's besides the point XD

Also, I'm thinking of a video that lets you guys get to know me a bit more. I want to make friends out of all you people reading :)

Daily Advice
Are you here? Good. Have you ever been in pain? Suffered too. But, little did you know that having said you suffered, is only another word for experience. What does experience do? Make you stronger. Whether it's adding to your patience, strengths in dealing with people, or physical strength, it's helping to improve your being into a better person. And just think about it. You have answered yes to like, all these questions right? You're still living, and every birthday you pass, every event/person that presents you with pain or obstacles, will fill your experience.

Woo! What a pep talk! Alright see ya guys later :)

Xoxo Kenna Sweet

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Welcome To My Blog!

     Hey guys! It's official! I'm going to use this blog to start my YouTube channel again! Once I shove school outta the way and make room in my schedule for it, you best be expecting some vlogs or videos!! I hope we can be friends :) 

Kenna Sweet <3 (^-^)